Page 39 - Amazing Smiles
P. 39
figure 39 Cosmetic Dental Procedures
When all teeth are missing in one arch, the
patient may choose to have them replaced with
multiple dental implants. There are multiple ways
to restore teeth over dental implants. Deciding
factors include the amount of available bone for
implantation and costs associated with restoring
the actual teeth. If enough bone is available,
porcelain or porcelain fused to metal crowns over
the implant abutment will provide the most natu-
ral looking results.
A less costly alternative might be plastic
teeth fused to a metal framework, which is then
secured to the implants below (figure 39). Either
way, these restorations are permanent and not
removable by the patient.
If only a limited amount of bone is available
after the loss of all the teeth in once arch, only
two or four implants are placed. Upon these
implants, a metallic bar can be fastened. Then a
full set of teeth will be fabricated that can “clip” or
“snap” onto the bar, thereby holding the teeth in
place. (figure 39). This is called a fitted removable
prosthesis or an overdenture.
There are times when not enough bone
available. Other times, medical conditions, or
financial considerations may preclude tooth
replacement with dental implants.