Page 153 - Amazing Smiles
P. 153

that I would love my new smile. HE COULD NOT                my new smile! Since I was a young girl, I have had
HAVE BEEN MORE RIGHT!!!                                     horrible results and experiences with dentists. I would
                                                            go to one and they would redo the job, only to have
The procedure was painless and only required two
visits. The crooked and discolored smile I’d lived with                                                      more fall apart.
for 40 years was gone forever. My teeth are white,                                                           I was nevcr
straight, and great looking. I enjoy smiling now and                                                         happy with my
am no longer self-conscious about my smile…instead,                                                          teeth. Then, in
I like to show it off. My brother tells me every few                                                         my 30’s, I
weeks: “It’s the best investment you’ve ever made.”                                                          became a
I couldn’t agree more!!!                                                                                     clown, a white-
                                                                                                             face clown.
M.A.                                                                                                         Now I really
                                                                                                             had to be care-
Dear Dr. Kurpis                                             ful. I taught myself to smile a crooked smile to only
                                                            show the teeth that were decent and when my party
I just wanted to say thanks for giving me my                moms would take a picture, I never smiled with my
confidence back! You are truly an artist as well as a       teeth showing. I didn’t want to ruin their picture. My
great dentist. When I left your office today, I don’t       Mom had great difficulty with her teeth all her life,
think that it was my new teeth that I wasn’t used to,       but never went to a dentist. When she died, we real-
per say, I think it was all the attention I was getting---  ized how few pictures we had of her because she did
that’s hard getting used to! But I love it!                 not want her mouth to be photographed.

Thank you again,                                            Then I found you. Just when another doctor was
                                                            placing “flippers” and suggesting the possibility of
L.S.                                                        dentures, I had to try just one more dentist. That was
                                                            you and your team! In less than a year, I had
Hi Dr. Kurpis,                                              implants, bridges and veneers in place and a whole
                                                            new me!! It actually took me a lot of work to learn to
This letter is a long time coming, but I have thought       smile again, but I do it ALL the time. I have never
about how I would write it everyday since I received        had such a beautiful smile in my whole life!
                                                            Everywhere I go, people make comments about my
                                                            teeth and how beautiful my smile is! Even when I
                                                            went to the McDonald’s drive-up, the young man
                                                            said, “I hope you don’t mind me saying, but you have

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