Page 156 - Amazing Smiles
P. 156
Frequently Asked Questions about Different
Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures.
Before proceeding with cosmet- Porcelain Veneers
ic dental procedures that will
change your smile, there may 1. Question: How many visits do porcelain
be questions that you need veneers take to do?
answered. Be sure to ask
these questions to your cos- Answer: Porcelain veneers are placed in two
metic dentist so that there are visits. Whether you have one veneer or twenty
no misunderstandings. If you eight, it is still a two-visit procedure
are uncomfortable with the
answer you hear, either do not do the procedure 2. Question: What will I look like between
or go for a second opinion. Sometimes several visits – can I go to work?
opinions are necessary to give you the peace of
mind to go ahead with changes to your smile. Answer: If your veneers are being placed by
Whatever it takes, become well informed and do an experienced cosmetic dentist, temporary
not let doubt become a barrier to a great looking bonded veneers will be placed after the first
smile. visit. They will look more than adequate for
you to go about your daily routine. They will
I have received numerous questions about not be flossible since they will be fused togeth-
different procedures over the years. Here are a er for added retention. You should not judge
few samples of the most frequently asked ques- your final product by the look of your tempo-
tions people have asked when inquiring about raries.
cosmetic dental procedures. These questions are
organized into five groups of the most popular 3. Question: Do porcelain veneers change
cosmetic dental procedures. color over time?
Porcelain veneers Answer: Porcelain is a color stable material,
just like glass. However, the cement used to
Teeth Whitening and Bleaching fuse porcelain veneers to teeth, as well as the
original underlying tooth itself, could get
Dental Implants slightly darker with time. This may slightly
influence the color of the overlying veneer.
Caps, Crowns, Inlays, and Fixed Bridges If veneers are properly maintained you
should not notice any significant color shift
Removable Bridges and Dentures over time.