Page 157 - Amazing Smiles
P. 157

Frequently Asked Questions

4. Question: Is there any special care            7. Question: Are there any guarantees with
necessary to maintain porcelain veneers?          porcelain veneers?

Answer: You must brush and floss your             Answer: Most state laws prohibit any health
veneers daily. You should also have your          care professionals from guaranteeing any
veneers professionally cleaned by a dentist       biologic procedure. This law exists because
of a dental hygienist every three to four         local and systemic biology can change rapidly,
months.                                           affecting any previously performed biologic
                                                  procedure. Simply stated, a healthy tooth, as
5. Question: Do porcelain veneers break           well as a properly restored tooth, could
easily? Will I have to watch what kind of foods   develop future problems.
I eat?
                                                  Since porcelain veneers are expensive, most cos-
Answer: Once porcelain veneers are fused to       metic dentists will replace any veneer that breaks
your natural teeth, they are extremely strong.    within three years of its original placement, pro-
However, there are foods that can break           viding that the patient is maintaining the veneers
porcelain veneers, just as they would your        (through regular hygiene) in the office where the
own natural teeth. These include: chewing         veneers were placed.
on bones, biting extremely hard candies,
chewing extremely hard nuts, crunching ice        8. Question: Can veneers be placed over
cubes, and chewing very hard pretzels. If you     existing crowns and bridges?
use common sense when choosing foods, your
veneers will not break and will provide years     Answer: If the crowns or bridges are made
of service.                                       from porcelain, the answer is yes, provided
                                                  that the crowns or bridges still fit the
6. Question: How long will porcelain veneers      underlying tooth structure well.
                                                  9. Question: Do porcelain veneers cause gum
Answer: Typically, porcelain veneers should       problems?
last a minimum of ten years or more, if
placed by an experienced cosmetic dentist. In     Answer: Because porcelain veneers are
my practice, over 95% of all veneers placed       extremely thin and do not go into the gum
fifteen years ago are still functioning and look  tissue, gum problems rarely develop.
beautiful today.

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