Page 164 - Amazing Smiles
P. 164

Chapter Nine


     T here has been a dramatic rise in                          unhappiness which leads to an overall negative
                             cosmetic dentistry procedures       body image. The good news is-you can change all
                             throughout the United States in     of this.
                             recent years. This dramatic
                             interest is the result of public          Most of the procedures necessary to correct
                             realization that a beautiful smile  the problems of aesthetically imperfect teeth that
                             is attractive, thanks in large      will create a beautifully attractive smile are not dif-
                             part to Hollywood makeover          ficult, painful or time-consuming to perform. The
                             shows and Madison Avenue.           three biggest problems most people have in mak-
     But an attractive smile projects more than beauty,          ing the commitment to have the procedures done
     according to studies conducted by the American              are lack of information, procrastination, and fear.
     Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. It also projects             “I thought nothing could be done, otherwise
     to others a sense of intelligence, interesting per-         someone would have suggested I do something
     sonality, success, friendly, happiness and wealth           about it” and “Someday I’m going to have my
     as well.                                                    teeth fixed” are typical responses. Others believe
                                                                 it will be a painful procedure or they may fear
            Anyone can have a great looking smile. The           they can’t afford it. Others fear that the results
     first step to achieving the ideal smile is recogniz-        may not meet their expectations.
     ing that shame and embarrassment of the appear-
     ance of one’s teeth can be easily overcome. Many                  Lack of information is no longer an excuse.
     patients claim that they forgot how to smile natu-          This book contains all the information you need
     rally. Some avoid being photographed because of             to know to seek answers on how to address your
     their teeth and cover their mouth with their hands          specific concerns. As far as not receiving advice
     when they smile, dodge kissing and even steer               from those around you, it is difficult for family and
     clear of situations that require speaking in front of       friends to feel comfortable telling someone they
     others. The number of people suffering from a               care about that their smile needs improvement.
     lack of self-esteem because of their smile as a             Even when negative comments are heard, they
     result of aesthetic dental problems has reached             tend to expand an individual’s own negative
     epidemic proportions, which may account for the             thoughts about their smile and will normally lead
     sudden surge in the interest in cosmetic dentistry.         to unrealistic fantasies of what must surely be
     Self-consciousness and/or discontent with one’s             involved to correct the situation. In fact, there are
     smile leads to a lack of confidence which leads to          easy solutions for smile enhancement that may be
                                                                 life changing events.

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