Page 161 - Amazing Smiles
P. 161

Frequently Asked Questions

8. Question: Will tooth colored fillings or        best choice if you want to maintain the bright-
porcelain crowns be affected by the tooth          est look possible. These are available ‘over the
bleaching process?                                 counter’.

Answer: No, they will remain the same color.         Common Questions asked About
However, if many differently colored dental                       Dental Implants
materials are in the mouth prior to bleaching,
they may appear dramatically different or not      1. Question: Is the dental implant procedure
match the teeth that are bleached. You actual-     painful?
ly may have to change the tooth colored fill-      Answer: No. Local anesthesia is more than
ings after bleaching for a pleasing cosmetic       adequate to numb the pain during the proce-
result.                                            dure. There should be absolutely no pain
                                                   associated with dental implant placement.
9. Question: Do I have to avoid any types of
food or drinks after bleaching?

Answer: Yes, you must consume only bland           2. Question: Who can place a dental implant?
colored foods for at least forty-eight hours. No
coffee, tea, tomato sauce, berries, carrot juice,  Answer: Any dentist trained in advanced
red wine, or any foods or beverages that typi-     dental implant surgery can place an implant.
cally stain teeth. A good rule of thumb is to      Implant dentists are listed in the American
eat only ‘white’ food- mashed potatoes, rice,      Academy of Implant Dentistry directory.
bread, milk, etc. for at least two days. Use       Typically, a ‘fellow’ in the academy will have
common sense in your long term diet.               more experience in implant placement. Board
                                                   certified periodontists and oral surgeons, who
10. Question: Is there a special toothpaste        are not members of this academy, may also be
required after bleaching?                          qualified to place dental implants.

Answer: A toothpaste containing a tooth
whitener or bleaching agent would be your

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