Page 162 - Amazing Smiles
P. 162


     3. Question: Are there any age limitations for     7. Question: What causes dental implants to
     placing dental implants?                           fail?
     Answer: No, anyone above the age of 18
     years old who is in generally good health is a     Answer: The most common cause of dental
     potential candidate for dental implants.           implant failure is smoking cigarettes.
                                                        Cigarette smoking will decrease implant
     4. Question: How long do implants last?            prognosis by as much as 50%. Uncontrolled
     Answer: If the dental implant ‘takes’, or          diabetes is another cause of dental implant
     osseointegrates into the bone, implants can        failure. Other factors contributing to dental
     last 20+ years. Many times dental implants         implant failures are poor oral hygiene, poor
     will last the entire lifetime of the patient.      diet, systemic illnesses, and poorly constructed
                                                        restorations above the implant.
     5. Question: Are there any special mainte-
     nance requirements for dental implants?            8. Question: How long does the dental implant
     Answer: Yes, you must brush and floss your         restoration process take?
     teeth daily, and have your teeth professionally
     cleaned by a dentist or dental hygienist three     Answer: After dental implants are placed,
     to four times per year.                            they should be allowed to heal for at least
                                                        four months. After this initial healing period,
     6. Question: Can dental implants be ‘rejected’?    the dental implants can be restored with
     Answer: Yes. If dental implants are rejected,      either fixed teeth, or with removable overden-
     this usually occurs within two to three months     ture type teeth. Depending upon the complex-
     of placement. If implants are stable after one     ity of the restoration, it can take several addi-
     year, they typically last a very, very long time.  tional months to complete.

                                                        9. Question: Does dental insurance cover
                                                        dental implants?

                                                        Answer: There are a few exceptions, but usu-
                                                        ally insurance companies do not cover dental
                                                        implants. Ask your benefits provider for the
                                                        specifics of your dental insurance policy.

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