Page 159 - Amazing Smiles
P. 159
Frequently Asked Questions
15. Question: What if I don’t like my veneers Answer: Your teeth should feel absolutely
when they arrive? Can they be changed? normal after placement. In very rare
instances, some teeth may be slightly sensitive
Answer: Absolutely, yes. The key is to try in to cold temperatures. This should dissipate
the veneers and carefully examine them within two weeks.
before they are permanently fused to your
teeth. If changes and corrections are to be 19. Question: Will veneers make my teeth
made, this is the time to request them. Once look strange under a black light at a nightclub
they are permanently fused to your teeth, they or bar?
cannot be changed.
Answer: Veneers made with quality porcelain
16. Question: What will my teeth feel like after do not look strange under black light.
the veneers are placed? Will I have difficulty
getting used to them? 20. Question: Will my veneers look different in
Answer: Your teeth should feel natural and
normal after your veneers are placed. The Answer: Veneers tend to appear whiter in
highly glazed surface mimics natural tooth photographs than they actually appear in per-
structure. If your bite does not feel right, have son. This is due to the reflective properties of
your dentist adjust it until it feels absolutely flash photography.
correct. Your mouth should feel exactly as it
did before veneer placement. Common Teeth Whitening and
Bleaching Questions
17 Question: Can veneers be removed and
would I be able to go back to my original teeth? 1. Question: What are the different ways to
bleach my teeth?
Answer: No. Once veneers are placed, this is
a permanent cosmetic dental procedure. Answer: The first way to bleach your teeth
Veneers can only be replaced by other veneers are ‘one visit’ procedures that take one hour
or by crowns. in a dentist’s office, done with an intense
white light. The second way is to have custom
18. Question: Will my teeth be sensitive after trays made by a dentist for home bleaching.
my veneers are placed? The third way is by purchasing ‘over the