Page 141 - Amazing Smiles
P. 141
People are constantly complimented me on having such a beautiful smile.
telling me how lucky I am People really do notice my smile!
to have such naturally,
beautiful teeth. Little do If any prospective clients have concerns or questions
they know it’s compliments about getting porcelain veneers, I would highly rec-
to you, your staff and your ommend they do it. Thanks for doing a great job!
wonderful work. Being
petrified of visiting dentists Sincerely,
and cursed with a low tol- B.Z.
erance for pain, I put off
having veneers for years. To my amazement the Dear Dr. Kurpis,
whole procedure from beginning to end was easy and People always used to
smooth. You not only were professional and gentle, tell me I had a beautiful
but your humor also served to allay my anxiety. Now, smile. When they stopped
I have the most spectacular teeth and a smile that mentioning it, I realized I
wins me compliments constantly. I am so happy! My needed help. My teeth
only regret is that I didn’t do it sooner. had turned yellow and
streaked in my 70 years.
A.S. I researched several
cosmetic dentistry proce-
Dear Dr. Kurpis, dures. You were the most professional and the best
informed as to my needs. I appreciated how you
It’s been two months painstakingly prepared my teeth, advising me of each
since I’ve had the porcelain step, and applied porcelain laminates in a perfect
veneers on my teeth and shade to my upper teeth-without any pain! I smile
I wanted to let you know now with confidence and, though the lines in my face
that I am extremely happy weren’t removed, people won’t believe my age, as
with the results. Not only my teeth look 50 years younger.
do my teeth look and feel
natural, but having a beau- C.C.
tiful smile makes me feel great. I have a confident
feeling about myself, knowing that I now have an
attractive and bright smile. Just today, a stranger