Page 142 - Amazing Smiles
P. 142

Dear Dr. Kurpis,              Here it is, five months later and I will never forget the
                                                        office visit when you handed me the mirror and I saw
                          At the age of 45, I was       the “new me” for the first time. The tears of joy ran
                          sure my life was over. I      down my face and I saw the pride on your face! Not
                          was not a fan of dentists,    once did I ever feel that I was just another patient.
                          (having many bad experi-      Now, every day when I look in the mirror, I see a
                          ences in the past) and let’s  beautiful smile and when I go out, other people do
                          face it, most people are      too and tell me so.
                          not, being afraid of pain
                          and the money issues the      You truly have a gift and I am so glad that I found
                                                        you. Thank you for being you.
way that they are today.
I went onto your web site and for the first time in my
life, I had a glimmer of hope, thinking that maybe      D.M.
you would be able to help me. I called and made an
appointment with Gretchen, who made me feel really                                         I just want to thank you,
comfortable by telling me that you were indeed the                                         Dr. Kurpis, for giving me
person who could help me. I walked into your office                                        a reason to smile again.
depressed and feeling alone. We discussed options,                                         Before all these procedures
pricing and loan options and I walked out of your                                          I was very unhappy with
office with a new hope and a new life to look forward                                      my smile. Everytime I used
to, all to be completed in a matter of months.                                             to talk to people I would
                                                                                           look the other way so they
I have to be honest that although there was a light at                                     would not see my teeth. I
the end of the tunnel, I was scared of the pain and                                        hated pictures and would
discomfort that I would have to bear. With each         never smile. I always said to myself, I have to fix this
procedure and visit that I had, you and your staff      problem so I went toyou, MY HERO! Now I talk to
were awesome. The pride that you take in your work      people face to face without turning away and I smile
that you do, and the way that the girls work as a       often.
team, made being a patient of yours so much easier.
Not one procedure caused me pain and I did not          Thank you Dr. Kurpis,
dread going to my appointments.

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