Page 144 - Amazing Smiles
P. 144

I also have to tell you how impressed I was with                                          Dear Dr. Kurpis,
Francy and the girls at the desk. They made my two
visits very pleasant. They were so pleasant and very                                      Just a quick note to say
professional.                                                                             my “grillwork” looks great.
I’m amazed that you could do all of that extensive                                        Thank you again. In fact,
work and yet I never had a problem with any pain or                                       they got to unexpectedly
real discomfort. Even the temporaries fit well and                                        be on air that night! I did
were more than adequate for the two weeks that I                                          an interview for WEEK-
had them. After the procedure I expected to have                                          END TODAY on of all
some problems with sensitivity or adjusting to my                                         things…Bill Clinton
new bite, especially since you lengthened my front     “unhappily” turning 60. I’m getting a copy of the
teeth a little. There was none of that. My final caps  segment and putting it on our website so you can
and jackets look extremely natural and they fit the    refer potential clients to a happy, smiling person.
gum line perfectly. Even when I floss, the floss fits
just right between the spacing of my teeth. The        Warmest regards,
whiteness that we chose is exactly what I had hoped
for. The results just couldn’t be any better in my     J.S.
I put my full faith and trust in you and I was not                                        Dear Dr. Kurpis,
                                                                                           Thanks so much for
Sincerely,                                                                                restoring my smile. As
                                                                                          far as my implants are
G.K.                                                                                      concerned, I cannot tell the
                                                                                          difference between these
                                                                                          and my natural teeth.
                                                                                          I can chew anything with
                                                                                          confidence again.

                                                       I cannot thank you enough.



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