Page 146 - Amazing Smiles
P. 146

I took the plunge 2 years ago and haven’t looked                 Well the day I got the bonding I realized the teeth
back since. I have a great new job that depends on               were too thick and overlapping the original teeth to
my confidence and professional appearance. Without               cover the gap. I then started to have a hard time
my radiant smile I doubt I would have been able to do            pronouncing certain letters. I also had a very bucked-
this. I was afraid to have work done because of how              tooth appearance. For years I had kept my mouth
much it was going to cost but even that was easy to              closed and never smiled, especially in pictures. I have
work out.                                                        been very self-conscious about my smile and could
                                                                 not stand my appearance. Then I heard about
It’s been two years and I haven’t had any problems               veneers, a new process to fix gaps with a thin porce-
with my teeth. I work in the medical field and I’ve              lain material. I can tell you I was very skeptical due to
even had other dentists comment on what great teeth              my last dental experience. Doing my teeth over was a
I have. (No one realizes half the time that they’re              big step for me.
veneers). I recommend that anyone even thinking
about cosmetic dentistry “just do it”- you owe it to             My first experience at your office was very profes-
yourself to feel good. Take the first step and I                 sional staff was great (thank you Gretchen!), who
promise you won’t regret it.                                     made me feel very comfortable. She explained the
                                                                 procedure and let me view the actual veneers. When
Your grateful patient,                                           my veneers were ready she reviewed them with me.
                                                                 They were ready in only eight days. In the patient
G.M.                                                             time however, it was a very nervous time for me. I
                                                                 wondered if I did the right thing. Once you put the
                                   Dr. Kurpis,                   actual veneers in my mouth, I was shocked at the dif-
                                                                 ference it made. I could not believe it. It has been two
                                   I am writing this letter to   weeks and I love my teeth more and more every day.
                                   thank you for my new          Thank you very much for my new smile. I definitely
                                   smile. I still can’t beleive  would recommend you to my friends and already
                                   it. I had bonding on my       have two co-workers who say they looked beautiful.
                                   two front teeth for 13        Actually, people can’t take it any more because I
                                   years due to a huge gap in    keep talking about them. Well like I said to everyone,
                                   my front teeth.               you are the best! Thank you again.

At the time I thought that bonding was an easy way               J.O.
to fix my appearance. I was just happy the gap was

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