Page 143 - Amazing Smiles
P. 143

Thank you Dr. Kurpis for a    amazing. Having whiter and straighter teeth has given
                                  beautiful smile. For several  me more confidence than I have ever had. I can not
                                  months I searched the web     believe how natural my teeth look. Words cannot
                                  for a cosmetic dentist who    describe how happy and satisfied I am!
                                  could design a smile that
                                  would complement my           Thank you again for all that you did, especially giving
                                  facial features. Only your    me that glamorous smile!
                                  Website offered the kind
                                  of natural looking smile      E.K.
                                  that I was looking for. Most
other websites showed before and after photos that                                                Greetings Dr. Kurpis,
had a very “one size fits all” look that did not appear
very natural at all. I also found your credentials to be                                          I’ve been meaning to
the very best I could find. You are clearly the most                                              write you ever since you
qualified expert in your field with a very talented eye                                           completed the work on
for aesthetics. In two visits you were able to trans-                                             me. I can’t tell you how
form my widely gapped teeth into a beautiful natural                                              delighted I am with my
smile that truly reflects my personality. I look                                                  new smile. I was out in
younger, healthier, and much happier. Simply put,                                                 Hollywood last week and
Dr. Kurpis, you are the very best.                                                                one of the producers asked
                                                                me to star in his movie. I told him I couldn’t because
Sincerely,                                                      I was just made president of my multi-million dollar
                                                                company. My wife brings me my slippers and the
E.K.                                                            paper everyday now when I come home from work
                                                                all because of my new smile! NOT REALLY- - but
                                   Dear Dr. Kurpis,             one thing is true! I AM DELIGHTED because for the
                                                                first time that I can remember I can really smile
                                    I can not thank you         again! I look at pictures of myself from the past and
                                   enough for giving me the     I can see everyone else in the picture has teeth
                                   most beautiful smile in the  showing, but there I am-tight lipped. What a differ-
                                   world! I feel so much more   ence now! Every once in a while I still catch myself
                                   confident and have not       holding back a toothy grin, out of shame, and then I
                                   taken the smile off my       remember my smile is no longer a negative but a
                                   face. You truly are          huge positive.

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