Page 147 - Amazing Smiles
P. 147
Dr. Kurpis is a genius! I Dr. Kurpis,
never thought the implant
experience could be so Major dental work sug-
painless. My teeth look gesting caps, implants, or
gorgeous, I’m not afraid to other irreversible changes
smile and my family says I to your mouth can seem
look much happier all the unduly unsettling.
time. Kudos to Dr. Kurpis
and his entire staff. However, an examination
of the pros and cons can
J.E. result in giving your teeth what they need. With
excellent dental care I have been given a spectacular
I would like to offer a word and lasting smile, and a mouth that feels smooth and
of advice to anyone with silky with the added benefit of improving my overall
even the littlest bit of inter- health.
est in cosmetic dentistry.
Before I had my teeth fixed L.R.S.
I was a bit skeptical, and
so were those around me. Hi Dr. Kurpis,
Since having it done all
minds have changed. I I wanted to take the time
smile all day long, and the to thank you again for the
people around me can see the difference. It is some- beautiful work that you did
thing I wanted done for a long time but was search- on my teeth. My whole
ing for the right doctor. Believe me when I tell you, life, I have had many trou-
“you have come to the right place.” At my consulta- bles with my teeth. I have
tion Dr. Kurpis made me a promise that I would love gone through many minor
my new smile. Today I can say thank you because I surgeries and spent a good
am like a new person. Like I said earlier, if you are four years wearing braces. Even with all of the dental
even slightly interested then get it done. My confi- work that I had done, I was far from happy with my
dence level is sky-high. It has truly changed my life. smile.